This page shows all courses currently scheduled for Winter Session. Courses will be continued to be added until October, so check back regularly. For complete course details and enrollment information, check the Student Administration system.
1010. Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society through Film
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
Critical approaches to Spanish culture and society from the early 20th century to the present as portrayed in Spanish film. Introduction to filmic textual analysis and film history. Discussion of topics such as the avant-garde, social art, revolutionary movements, civil war, exile, Francoism, democratic transition, peripheral nationalisms, immigration, cultural diversity, postmodernity, globalization. Taught in English; Spanish not required; does not fulfill foreign language requirement. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Last Refreshed: 12-MAR-25 AM
Term | Class Number | Instruction Mode | Instructor | Section | Session | Schedule | Location | Enrollment | Notes | |
1241 1086 INT 24 | Winter 2024 | 1086 | Online Asynchronous | Nanclares, Gustavo | 24 | INT | No Room Required - Online | 15/25 |